This is what happens when a photog and a makeup artist are friends and hangout…Spontaneous nighttime photoshoots! Time on our hands and no place to be gave us an opportunity to just be creative…JennaRae captured some great shots, I always love her night shoots! The model’s hair is so fun isn’t it? This look is in my regular rotation of work hair and it literally takes 4 minutes so I thought I’d tell you how!
Start by sectioning off the crown (top portion of your hair). Using a comb and some hairspray, comb back and slick the sides so they are flat to your head. Pull hair up into ponytail leaving out the sectioned hair up top. Tighten ponytail as tight as you can handle.
Back-comb the sectioned off hair and slightly and gently comb over to one side so create a mohawk effect. Tease and “mess up” the hair hanging down from the ponytail too so it has texture and looks imperfect. Set with tons of hairspray!
And there you have it! Easy quick faux-hawk-punk-ponytail look! And yes I realize that most of you cannot put this into your regular hair rotation for work but you can wear this when you’re off the clock! I dare you to, watch your confidence soar when you do…I always feel like I could fight crime or save someone from a burning building when I wear my hair like this, ha!
Cheers to Faux-hawks, Spontaneity, and Fighting Crime,
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