We’ve all had those moments, when we feel ready for better. Often the beginning of the year is that moment for many of us. But what about when, let’s say, it’s March and the enthusiasm of early January feels like forever ago? When we don’t feel like pushing through? Excited to share with you this glimpse into a strong amazing woman who pushed through to achieve a big time personal goal! Meet our friend and wedding planner extraordinaire, Kristina Foerster!


What made you start this journey?

It was a normal day, I had been working out regularly but not getting the results I wanted. I had just gotten married and life had settled. Everyone was telling me I was fine–and I wasn’t fat– but I thought I could be better. Even though I was working out, I wasn’t being as consistent. My gym had a challenge and I decided to do it!

What made this time different from the other times you wanted to make a change?

I’d say 3 main things were different this time. I was…


Seeking advice and

Looking at the scale differently.

It wasn’t just about the pounds anymore. This changed my perspective about what I should eat. Also this was something I was doing for ME. My hubby and family were happy with me as I was and loved me, which is great, but they don’t live in my skin, I DO. Confidence in your own skin is what gets you through the day. I needed to make a change for ME.


My gym had a challenge. Weight loss wasn’t the goal, but being committed to the routine even though the process isn’t fast. So many days I felt like I was regressing. People want that one or two week fix. Really what makes the change is the momentum you build up to it. I didn’t want to yo yo, I wanted to keep it off.

The first three months had the most moments of doubt and usually in the evening after my shower being so aware of my body. I wanted my body to change as fast as I imagine it would in my mind. You think, I’m working out 5 or 6 days a week why am I not there yet? It’s hard to judge your own progress when you see ur body everyday. I had to tell myself to stop judging so harshly and push those thoughts out of my mind and focus on staying committed to the routine rather than examining my body.

It’s hard when you compare yourself to others. If I looked at the person next to me on the treadmill and compared myself that would discourage me. So wherever you are today, that’s your starting point. There’s no point looking to the left or the right. All you can do is look in the mirror and say this is what I’ve got and I’m gonna work with it. You have to love who you are first when you start. You can still love yourself for who you are but push towards better.

While Kristina was dedicated to weight lifting and high intensity interval training, she says that food made the most difference.

Here’s a peek into a typical day for her…

Wake up drink: ice water with apple cider vinegar–it wakes up my organs!

I make breakfast and eat it within 30 mins of waking up–1 egg, 2 whites, and turkey links Shake snack later that I made the night before

Coffee– I love it! The biggest change is I drink it black, no sugar or cream, it’s not dessert anymore!

Lunch salmon over a cup of greens

4 oz plain yogurt 15 almonds for another snack

Workout, either weights or interval training 3 days of each

Dinner with hubby is usually some chicken with a cup of veggies.

“The answer is consistency and commitment. True lifestyle change. Nothing long lasting comes easy.” If you want to chat more with Kristina about her journey or about your upcoming wedding day–we mentioned she’s an amazing wedding planner, yes?!–visit her site here.

And what better way to celebrate smashing your goals than to have a photoshoot (with a little hair and makeup of course!)! Love these pics by Dee and Kris Photography! Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Kristina

Beauty, Beauty Spotlight, Body, Hair, Health, industry professional, Makeup, Musings, Photoshoot, weddings

March 6, 2018

Goal Smasher: Kristina

Whew, this weekend was a long one! I am sitting at my computer right now in my pj’s thankful for the weekend to be over…Sounds backwards doesn’t it? My weekends are almost always my work days…Sunday night is like my Friday and tomorrow I will be sleeping in! Woohoo!

And although the weekend was busy and felt long I wouldn’t trade it for the world…this weekend was especially exciting because I did makeup for 2 photoshoots.

The first was for my friend Ashley…you know her from her amazing hair styling work for many of my shoots and clients!  She needed some updated headshots and also some fun shots of her “in action” doing her hair styling thing! She is a gorgeous lady inside and out! I can’t wait to see the pics!

Our photog was Dan Rappa.  This was my first time working with him and I was super impressed! Definitely check out his work…he is amazing!

Of course I had to wear my lucky bracelet that day…I ALWAYS wear this baby whenever I have a makeup gig, wedding, or meeting with a client! Once I forgot to wear it and totally hit major traffic on the way to a wedding…Coincidence?? 😉

Our next shoot was all about motion. Swishy skirts, bouncy pearls, swirling hair…you name it we did it! The lovely Laura was so patient as we tugged at her hair and dropped it, swished it, blew air on her, and made her jump again and again until we got just the right shots…

The pic above is of course just from my little ol’ iphone…I cannot wait to see them! I did get a sneak peek tho and I am so eager to see more! Hope you enjoy this shot from Dan as much as I do…

To make sure Laura was glowing and fresh all over I mixed a sheer coverage foundation with a lightweight body moisturizer and smoothed it into her arms and chest.  She is lovely yes?


So Cheers to Long Weekends, to Photoshoots, and to Loving what you do,

Beauty, Makeup, Photoshoot

December 12, 2011

My Weekend: Photoshoot Fun!

I was so excited to try this back when it first hit the US market (finally)!  It had so much hulabaloo over how amazing it was…and while I thought “oh it can’t be THAT good”…my curiosity was still piqued…

It’s the Elnett Satin Hairspray from L’Oreal Paris

So here is my complete opinion on it…

The hairspray claims that it provides excellent hold but that it is so fine it disappears at the stroke of a brush…well…this is…TOTALLY TRUE! Yup, you heard me, true story.  It definitely holds hair in place…but as I experienced first hand at several photoshoots I styled hair at, I was able to change the models style without having to wrestle with her hair…it brushes right out and I was able to restyle in a flash! LOVE this product for that touchable look we all want (while still maintaining the look) and also for situations where you might need to change styles in a jiffy!

(Me…styling hair for a wedding)

Anywhoo…the only drawback I could tell you is the smell…now don’t get me wrong…it kinda smells a little old-lady-ish to me but I don’t mind it one bit.  BUT my lovingly darling, always tactful husband told me that the smell was unbearable, that it gave him a headache, and that I should never use it in the house if I didn’t want him to throw up! Yikes! Overly sensitive man-nose?  I am not sure…but thought I’d mention it in case any of you are sensitive in that department…It wasn’t my favorite scent, but just smelled like product to me!  I still love it!!

Buuuut…I do only use it for shoots now or occasion where I am not getting ready at home, out of courtesy for my husband 😉

Here’s a how-to on a quick-chic hairstyle you can try (and you can can use the hairspray too while you’re at it!)

Cheers to hair-styling, to product, and to olfactory-opinioned husbands,


Beauty, Hair, Product review, Products, Tutorial

October 5, 2011

Hair styling secret