If you follow me on Instagram(@polishandpout) you know that my 3 great loves are lashes, lipstick, and nail polish. As I was painting my nails last night I marveled at the fact that for about 7 years straight I painted my nails the same color! I also recalled that 3 years ago I decided to change that because of something that happened to me at work (when I worked at a makeup counter). I posted the story on Facebook (I wasn’t blogging at the time). So I thought I’d share it with you along with P&P’s favorite nail looks lately…perhaps it will inspire you to branch out from your usual mani too!
Glitter, glitter, and more glitter. All over, as an accent, tips, fade, outline…you name it!
Neon and colors so bright you can practically see your nails in the dark!
The accent nail is still alive and well…if you’re like me and the big bulky nail gems and plastic flowers et cetera seem cumbersome then opt for decal or paint accents!
Bold colors and bold lengths! Sporty and square nails are WAY OUT and have been for a LONG TIME. As in, do not touch square with a ten foot pole. Almond, rounded, and stiletto nails are dominating trend and will continue to do so for a long time I’d wager! Don’t let the length scare you, you can rock the current shape short too!
If almond nails are still uncomfortable for you, start with a rounded edge. Think natural in shape. Baby steps. And do yourself a favor and watch a Marilyn Monroe movie or something from that era, pay attention to all of the lovely starlets nails…you’ll be on board with rounded nails after I guarantee it!
I’ve been crushing hard on pastels and lavender especially…light purples too!
Maybe you’re stuck in a beauty rut like I was: “The other day I complimented a coworkers nail polish…it was a gorgeous shade of teal. She responded by offering to loan it to me so I could paint my nails the same color. “Oh no thank you, I usually paint my nails black,” I said. She asked how long I’ve kept my nails black for, so I told her about 6 years or so. She looked at me like I was nuts and said, “You HAVE to get out of that rut!” I brushed off her comment at first, but then later that day I had an epiphany. I saw someone who had apparently stepped out of a time machine. You know the type: mullet-like hair with big bangs, hot pink lipstick, blue eye shadow, a skirt that is older than her children and shorter than it should be. She looked like she was an extra in an 80’s teen flick, but worse because while she had continued to age, her appearance screamed “It’s still 1984, right?!” Was this to be my fate? I looked down at my nails and suddenly they were mocking me. I do need to get out of my rut! So the next chance I had I picked up a bottle of white nail polish. It seemed the natural choice since it’s the exact opposite of what I normally wear. I must admit, it looks pretty chic. I highly recommend white polish for spring and summer. And while I most likely will return to my black polish in the nearby future, this week I changed my beauty destiny and proved to myself that I will not be stuck in the past! Now I just need to figure out what to do with my mullet…”–April 22, 2010
Cheers to Mullets, Manicures, and Changing your Beauty Destiny,
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